Wednesday, December 28, 2005

perfect smiles in a town called Malice.............

well I'm hooked, hooked i tell ya & i'm only about 2 years behind the times but i love Deadwood

sure it's a soap opera with a grimy collar & a filthy mouth but the writing's good, the characters strong & the tension is ratcheted up at times to sweaty palm point

what puzzles me though is how in a town without sanitation, with a doctor relying on herbs for his medicine & more rags wearing ruffians & ne'er do wells than you could shake a stick at - just how does every inhabitant in this cess pit of a town have a perfect set of dazzling white teeth?!!

well it's top 3 time in my tracks of the year & at No.3 I have chosen a song by Gravenhurst - i kept hearing good things about this band but it wasn't until i bought their "Fire In Distant Buildings" LP that i realised what all the hype was about

the second track on this album in particular burrowed it's way into my conscience & this I have chosen for my No.3 track of the year

hear for yourself on my radio player to your left

No.3 Gravenhurst - Velvet Cell

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