Tuesday, April 11, 2006

six days on the road & i'm gonna make it home tonight.............

just got back after driving more than 1000km's - looping from Canmore to Valemount to Jasper to Edmonton to Camrose to Canmore

a mammoth journey for the most part in glorious spring weather & dotted with all kinds of spectacular scenery, especially up through the world famous icefields parkway

we saw an abundance of wild things - elk, sheep, deer, coyote, hawks & masses of waterfowl - no bears though

i managed an afternoon at Marmot Basin ski resort where the snow was decididly slushy, but the queues & slopes for a sunny Sunday were practically empty

the week before involved a trip to Vancouver, which was basking in glorious spring weather - again i can't express how beautiful that city is, it must be 4 weeks ahead of Calgary in terms of spring - green grass, blossom & flowers in abundance whereas we are still brown & budding

well i'm too knackered to write anything of any interest, no change there then i hear you say

however i have one album recommendation for you, much listened too as we churned through the k's this past few days

Van Morrison's new country opus, Pay The Devil - is primarily a covers album & he does full justice to some old time country standards, his voice as rich & soulful as ever, & the backing musicians are flawless in setting the tone for this pour yourself a whiskey & sit on the porch kinda album.

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