Sunday, September 17, 2006

Banff, AB

there's not much to interest anyone other than hungry, souvenir hunting tourists in Banff - if you are looking for humorous tee-shirts or small bears in Mountie uniforms you can't go wrong

it is very, very much a tourist town, it is however surrounded by stunning scenery & on a sunny Sunday afternoon your eye is constantly drawn to the snow capped peaks & the amazing blue waters of the River Bow

even though i only live 25 minutes away by car, this was only the second time this year i have stopped for a look around the shops & notwithstanding the possible need to buy bears in Mountie outfits for disliked relatives at Xmas, it'll probably be my last

on the way home i nipped up the potholed, dirt road that takes you above the Spray Lakes Reservoir to take a few pictures - now my car with it's fancy 4WD makes effortless work of this steep, winding, rutted road & I admit my speed was a little higher than it should have been

so i apologise to the old guy who had for some reason pulled over & stopped on the side of the road, (in the area that states "No Stopping - Avalanche Danger") - how was i to know he had his window wound down & was taking a photo from his car window as i came round the corner swooshed past him, through a lake of a muddy puddle & soaked him & the inside of his car - ooops - sorry Grandpa!!!

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