Monday, June 05, 2006

last minute breakdown

i know the whole world is going World Cup crazy right now - and it funny how suddenly the world, his wife & every Z-list celebrity is suddenly an expert on the beautiful game when oridnarily they would know their Inter from their Milan - but it's also Stanley Cup Final time & Alberta's own Edmonton Oilers suffered a sickening loss tonight in game 1 (of 7) against the Carolina Hurricanes

the game was tied at 4-4 with 20 seconds to go when the Oilers goalie fucked up a clearance & gifted a tap-in to the Hurricanes striker - all the more sickening that the Oilers earlier led 3-0

what puzzles me though is how a game of 60 minutes stretches out for nearly 3 hours - it would be the equivalent of a football match starting at 3pm & ending at 6.45pm - my advice, cut down on the millions of ad-breaks & get the game over & done with - we fit 90 minutes into 2 hours with the Worlds No. 1 game - time for the hockey boys to do likewise

so just got back from Victoria, as i have said before it's a great place - an (almost) tropical climate, ocean & mountain views at most turns & a quaint Britishness pervades - we drank in pubs, ate fish & chips, saw double decker buses & heard plummy accents on every street

the only thing missing were the hordes of Burberry cladded ASBO-ed up chavs hanging out at the precincts

what a shame eh?

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